lunes, mayo 20, 2024

Delivery of vehicles, machinery and tools to improve services to the people of Celaya / @jmendozamarquez @municipiocelaya >>>

#Celaya, #Gto.- In order to improve the services offered to the citizens through the different departments of the Municipal Administration, 49 vehicles and 94 tools such as collection trucks, sweepers and compactors were acquired, with an investment of approximately 51 million pesos.

This Friday, the municipal president, Javier Mendoza Márquez, led the delivery of the units to the public servants who will be in charge of operating them to offer services to the citizens such as pothole patching, cleaning, garbage collection, security, among others, to whom he invited to continue working in a committed manner with the citizens of Celaya.

«These vehicles give us the opportunity to strengthen us as an administration to continue providing better services to our community, to continue making our work more efficient so that we have a beautiful Celaya, a Celaya in peace, a great Celaya and a Celaya with a future. We are going to continue working hard, we are going to close very strong because the citizens demand it and Celaya deserves it,» said President Mendoza Marquez in his message.

He emphasized that the current administration has made a historic investment for the renewal of the vehicle fleet, through national, orderly and transparent bids that have generated savings, thus betting on efficiency in the management of resources that belong to all citizens.

The municipal treasurer, Ma. Lourdes Herrera Rodríguez, informed that a total of 49 vehicles, machinery and equipment were acquired with an investment of 46 million 349 thousand 977 pesos, while 4 million 518 thousand 320 pesos were invested in the purchase of 94 tools, for a total of 50 million 868 thousand 297 pesos.

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